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A note to smokers

I am sick and tired of seeing you smokers throwing your cigarette butts down covert drains, on sidewalks, in planters, along the side of roads, in our lakes and rivers.

I am sick and tired of seeing you smokers throwing your cigarette butts down covert drains, on sidewalks, in planters, along the side of roads, in our lakes and rivers.

Do you not care about our how our beautiful town looks or about our wildlife? You see when birds and fish get hungry they will eat those butts thinking it is food when it isn't.

Those cigarette butts contain chemicals that will kill them just like the cigarettes that will kill you.

Also by throwing your butts on the ground you are polluting the environment just like an empty coffee cup or other types of garbage you find on the ground. Smarten up. Don't be lazy. You packed those cigarettes with you, so why don't you pack the butts too?

And where are the bylaw officers? Why are you not enforcing the non-smoking bylaws at the bus shelters and on the patios of the restaurants and pubs.

Why are you not enforcing the no polluting bylaw?

Maybe the fines that are collected from the non-complying smokers could go towards paying for that laid-off firefighter.

Hey smokers, all I ask that if you must smoke please be responsible, think about the people that do not like your filthy habit. Think about the environment and the wildlife.

Think about how much nicer looking our town would be if we didn't have all those empty cigarette packages and butts on the ground.

And to all you non-smokers, if you see a smoker throwing their butts on the ground ask them nicely to please stop doing it and put their butts either in their pocket or in the garbage.

Gord Gunner

Garibaldi Highlands

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